The app 5 Minutes is a guide to facilitate meditation and develop your daily well-being. When your timer finishes, you add minutes for peace in our “meditometre”, a worldwide counter of meditated time.
Download it now and improve your day!

Learn more about the app and its features

Freedom to be happy

With the 5 Minute app, you have three options: 5 minute meditation, guided meditation by La Jardinera and a time customisable meditation with a timer up to 30 minutes.

5 minutes a day is all you need for your well-being and to have a better mood

Download the free 5 Minutes app and access a meditation guide. You can also learn to meditate step by step with our didactic explanation, you can receive notifications and add minutes for peace.

Release tensions

In addition to the 5 Minute meditation and the custom time meditation, you can also practice the guided meditation by La Jardinera, founder of the NGO Manos Sin Fronteras and the founder of the campaign “5 minutes, I meditate”.

Add minutes meditated for peace in our “Meditometre”

The meditometre is our counter of meditated minutes. When you meditate using the application, your time is automatically entered into the tool. Download the application and add minutes for peace.

Author of the music used for “I Meditate – Eu Medito”:
Francesco Buccheri Pederzoli

Music composer for documentaries, news and websites. From the Seventies deepens his knowledge of electronic instruments, synths and recording techniques. From his meeting with La Jardinera in Dozza (Italy), where he lives and works, the music for meditation “Eu Medito” is born. A great gift. Francesco through his music takes part in this International project for Peace in the World. Thanks!

Why should you meditate 5 minutes a day?

Meditation is a practice that improves your quality of life. Those who practice frequently, have greater objectivity and more balance in their own emotions. Other benefits may be over time:

Improved sleep quality
Improved attention and concentration
Improved cerebral oxygenation
Stabilisation of anxiety

Start practicing now!